Saturday, April 23, 2016

200 km Brevet

This being ten years since my first randonee, I figured I had to do at least one this season. Today featured an under-trained Ultra Scott but perfect weather. Finished in 9:54. Not too bad since my only training was a pair of 50 mi rides several weeks ago.  It was great catching up with old friends.

Also did the Black Warrior 25 km trail run back in February which was terrific fun despite being a long drive (northern Alabama) for a 15-mile run.

Monday, May 11, 2015

Bike to work and yoga

That is all. Gotta get in shape for 5K season.

Saturday, February 21, 2015

Hello Fans,

Just a note to say I have not become a coach potato.  I have been keeping busy the past few years having settled into a routine of trail ultras and randoneurring. And lately I have added yoga to my regime.  Since I last posted I have run the Sylamore 50 km (AR 2012), The North Fork 50 km (CO 2013) and The Coldwater Rumble 50km (AZ 2015).  I have dabbled with the Brevet Series too but nothing over 300 km sad to say.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

A word about Lance.  It's hard not to be a little defensive about about Lance Armstrong's fall from grace.  Because I'm a cyclist, my cycling and non-cycling friends want my opinion of the latest news cycle; what do I think of Lance's plummet?

Though I try to deflect questioning, asserting I was a fan of professional cycling and things cycling while Lance was a still a teen-aged triathlete - still, I admired him.  I admired his focus and remorseless killer instinct.  I admired his triumph over cancer and his apparent redemption by returning to cycling.  When I, climbing a small grade on a short training ride, got up out of the saddle I always pictured Lance looking steely-eyed and fit and unstoppable.  I might be climbing a short 200 yard climb, but in my mind's eye I was Lance on the ascent Luz Ardiden. I became Lance.  Once, before we descended the Col d' Azet, my brother yelled "You be Lance Armstrong and I'll be Josebi Beloki."  I still think of that day every time I ride.

So Lance was doping.  I didn't want to believe it, I assigned the rumors of a few years ago to sour grapes.  But now that it seems the rumors are true, I'm not heartbroken.  Doping or not, the guy worked hard and if thinking of his efforts got me out the door or made me push a bigger gear, that's a good thing.  In the wake of his disgrace, I realize that all this time - attacking on the climb and rocking the bike beneath me - it was a little more me and little less Lance.

Monday, October 22, 2012

15.5 mile run

Ran on the Katy Trail on Saturday.  The first 12 miles represented a good effort, but I was too enthusiastic miles 8 through 12 so my legs were too beat to finish strong.

Saturday, August 25, 2012

10 mile run

Got in a nice run this morning.  Still a little warm and the first couple of miles were a challenge.  But the last 8 went well.  Wish I could just skip the first 20 minutes of every run.

Friday, August 24, 2012

5.5 mile run

Ran a little over five miles yesterday on the Katy Trail extension in Columbia.  It was over 90 F when I headed out but the humidity was low, so it wasn't too bad.